Wednesday, July 28, 2010

English Camp - Day 8

Well, I (Tom) am on blog patrol tonight, as we are on a 48 hour sprint beginning tomorrow morning. So I've sent the team to bed, leaving me to the blog :)

"All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Psalm 139:16.

There are days when you see the truth of this verse so clearly. You see why the Lord has put you in this place, in this moment, for this reason. You see why the Lord has written this specific day for you in His book. Today was one of those days.

Most importantly, we got to find out today that one of the students at the camp, a guy named Zsolt, prayed to receive Christ last night! What is cool is to see how this was totally a team effort. This is Zsolt's third year at English Camp, so many American teams and many believers here in Hungary have poured into him for many years. And most of our team has built a good relationship over the course of this week. But yesterday, he had some really good conversations about the Gospel, in particular with Sharon and Victoria, and then when he and I got to talk this morning, he shared with me that he prayed to receive Christ! It was amazing to think through how the Lord brought about this day for Zsolt and how many believers the Lord used in his life along the way. This day was written in God's book for Him, and we are so grateful as a team that the Lord planned for us to be in Hungary with Zsolt on this most important day of his life.

Then, after another good day at camp, we joined up with a missionary couple supported by The Orchard, Brad & Kari Mullet, who treated us to a spectacular dinner. I'm a food guy - and it's a restaurant I'll remember for a long time - the great company, the Hungarian atmosphere, the excellent food, the accordion serenading us in the was a memorable night. But even more significantly, the way Brad & Kari spoke to the team was so incredible to see. One minute they had the team belly laughing, the next minute they were exhorting the team for how God is using and will use each of them in the future, and then the next they were reminding us of the importance of personal righteousness and prayer. Simply an awesome night.

We've got a big day tomorrow - it's parent night. Many unreached parents will be hearing the Gospel, and the team has a lot of involvement in the program of the night - skits, singing, and testimonies. So please be in prayer for us during these final two days of camp and the intense schedule we'll be undertaking. Please also be in prayer for us as we have our final opportunities to talk and share with the students.

We're so thankful for your prayer and support.

God bless,


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